Season’s greetings from Bristol

A festive message from Gary Nott, our Santa and Estates Assistant in the Wills Memorial building.

Do you see what I see?

It’s not the same anywhere else, is it? There’s something different about Bristol…

I’ve seen hundreds of people swing open the big, wooden doors of the Wills Building. I’ve seen our students start out with big eyes and big ideas, running off to lectures. I stood back amazed when earlier this year students clubbed together to send our cleaner on holiday. I watch them graduate, dancing down the steps, off out to change the world, to jet off into space.

I see them come back as alumni like you, full of excitement when they meet their old mates, when I walk them through their memories in the Wills Memorial Tower tours, or get messages on Twitter. They open up their hearts and share their experiences, hoping to give someone the same chances they had. It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.

There’s something here in Bristol. And it’s not in the bricks or buildings or in the water. It’s in the people. It’s a Bristol spirit.

The people who come here, it sparks a fire in them, a passion. And they have it in bucket loads. They want to change the world for the better. And you know what? They are. You are! All around the world.

Every year, I dress up as Santa. Every year, I put up that tree. Week in and week out, I take people on tours around the Wills Building. And I do it because of the Bristol spirit. To see people light up. Bristol is powered by people, people like you, and I’m proud to be one of them.

Here’s to a year filled with Bristol spirit, and many more to come!

Gary Nott
Estates Assistant
Wills Memorial Building

5 thoughts on “Season’s greetings from Bristol

  1. OMG! very lovely greetings Gary! Thank you so much. Good wishes to you all and enjoy this festive season. (Constance Nyamikola MED 2014)

  2. Lovely to read this and to see you today, Gary! Whatley Mammoth sends a very big #mammothhug to you and his other friends in Wills Memorial Building!

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